Platinum Urn Adventure: One Hand Pierce IV Platinum Coffer Journeyman Chainmail Bracer Journeyman Invisible Chainmail Helm Journeyman Invisible Platemail Helm Journeyman Invisible Padded Cap Journeyman Leather Cap Journeyman Padded Cap Journeyman Armor Ring Journeyman Armor Earring Journeyman Vestia's Soothing Remedy Potion Advanced Enchanted Key Mold Journeyman Platemail Shoulderpad Journeyman Chainmail Boots Journeyman Chainmail Mask Journeyman Invisible Chainmail Mask Journeyman Chainmail Armguards Journeyman Chainmail Greaves Journeyman Platemail Skilts Journeyman Chainmail Chestguard Journeyman Platemail Chestguard Journeyman Leather Shoulderpad Journeyman Leather Boots Journeyman Padded Boots Journeyman Leather Gloves Journeyman Leather Hand Wraps Journeyman Padded Hand Wraps Journeyman Invisible Leather Mask Journeyman Invisible Padded Mask Journeyman Padded Mask Journeyman Leather Leggings Journeyman Leather Tunic Journeyman Padded Tunic Journeyman Deluxe Cargo Disk Journeyman Power Hindleg Scale Journeyman Focus Hindleg Scale Journeyman Armor Bracelet Journeyman Health Necklace Journeyman Essence Transmutation Journeyman Bolster Health Potion Journeyman Quint's Quickstep Potion Journeyman Spell: Improved Mystic Blaze Journeyman Spell: Countercheck Primal Journeyman Spell: Debase Journeyman Spell: Ice Hammer Journeyman Spell: Lightning Storm Journeyman Spell: Soul Shield Journeyman Spell: Improved Theft of Life Journeyman Spell: Daunting Mist Journeyman Spell: Arcane Refusal Journeyman Fine Cudgel Journeyman Fine Two-Handed Sword Journeyman Fine Gladius Journeyman Fine Hand Axe Journeyman Fine Long Spear Journeyman Fine Warhammer Ancient Sword of Vandus Antiquated Sword Exquisite Ring Ornamental Sword Platinum Bell Platinum Crown Platinum Scepter Priceless Ring Adventure: Augmentation IV Adventure: Crossbow IV Adventure: Flame IV Adventure: Mind IV Adventure: Nature IV Ability: Smash IV Adventure: Spirit IV Adventure: Tooth and Claw IV Defense: Blight Resistance IV Defense: Blight Ward IV Defense: Crush Ward IV Defense: Energy Resistance IV Defense: Energy Ward IV Defense: Ethereal Armor IV Defense: Flame Resistance IV Defense: Ice Ward IV Defense: Life Ward IV Defense: Mind Resistance IV Defense: Mind Ward IV Defense: Nature Ward IV Defense: Primal Ward IV Defense: Spirit Ward IV Spell: Accuracy IV Spell: Bane IV Spell: Blight Damage IV Spell: Blight Poison IV Spell: Blight Range IV Spell: Chill IV Spell: Combust IV Spell: Concentrated IV Spell: Covalence IV Spell: Critical Damage IV Spell: Derange IV Spell: Energy Range IV Spell: Flame Damage IV Spell: Flame Range IV Spell: Fog IV Spell: Fortify IV Spell: Gale IV Spell: Junction IV Spell: Nature Damage IV Spell: Pierce IV Spell: Primal Damage IV Spell: Scorn IV Spell: Shocked IV Spell: Stun IV Zal'kuk Scout Ear Zal'kuk Scout Shrunken Head Journeyman PLatemail Armguards Zal'kuk Scout Beatstick