Istaria Wiki

The ability to wield sharp edged melee weapons in combat that can be held in two hands.

Attribute Gains[]

This skill is affected by Attributes.

Dexterity Focus Power Strength
50% 0% 0% 50%

Used In[]

Rank is the skill increase gained per level.

School Rank
Berserker 11
Paladin 10
Reaver 10
Warrior 10
Knight of Creation 9

Weapons Using This Skill[]

Bastard Sword
Battle Axe
Broken Battle Axe
Broken Large Axe
Broken Two-Handed Sword
Fine Bastard Sword
Fine Battle Axe
Fine Large Axe
Fine Two-Handed Sword
Large Axe
The Zealot
Two-Handed Sword
Valkor's Blood Sword

Physical Skills Armor UseBowCrossbowEvasionOne Hand CrushOne Hand PierceOne Hand SlashShieldTooth and ClawTwo Hand CrushTwo Hand SlashUnarmed
Magical Skills AugmentationBlightDragon BreathEnergyFlameIceLifeMagic EvasionMindNaturePrimalSpiritSummoning
Crafting Skills AlchemyArmorcraftBrewingCarpentryClothworkingCookingCrystalshapingDragon ScalecraftEarthencraftEnchantingEssence HarvestingEssence ShapingEssence StructuringFishingFittingFletchingForagingGemworkingIngenuityIntuitionJewelcraftLairshapingLeatherworkingLoggingLumberingMasonryMetalworkingMiningPapermakingPreparingQuarryingSalvagingScribingSculptingSmeltingSpellcraftSpinningStoneworkingTailoringTanningTinkeringTransmutationWeaponcraftWeavingWoodworking