God of technology and of the moon, Telak is said to resemble a large automaton. Long before the Lamentation, the Gnomes had abandoned Telak in favor of Istara, to pursue peace as well as knowledge. Recently, the Gnomes have begun returning to the ancient one in large numbers seeking much of what was lost when they abandoned Rachival and hoping, perhaps, to reclaim some of their lost glory.
Many of the legends surrounding Telak are unclear about the god’s origins and appearance. None agree upon whether it was the Gnomes who built their automatons in Telak’s image, or if the deity took a form pleasing to the Gnomes. Debate on the topic has raged for decades, perhaps even longer, amongst the wide and learned.
Darker legends speak of the deity’s role in the downfall of Rachival itself. Some whisper that Versanto and his disgraced master, Gangaf, may have acquired their knowledge of automatons from Telak though neither has ever claimed any association with the deity. Neither has denied any association either, a note that some conspiracy theorists have made public note of.
Nevertheless, the rumors persist and the facts are incontrovertible that the automatons played a clear role in the Fall of Rachival and the exile of the Gnomian people. Automatons, even simple ones, were unknown even fifty years before the Fall and it is as if advanced knowledge of their construction was discovered overnight, a fact that some believe lends credence to the conspiracies and the involvement of Telak itself.
In the end, the truth may never be known. Telak, however, continues to gain followers and grow in power amongst the Gnomes.