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Not to be confused with the Lunus Faction.

Malganival Lunus is the name of a great warrior dragon whom lived before the Gifted even existed. He is known as the leader of the Lunus faction, for he is the one whom founded it.

Lunus the Warrior[]

Race: Dragon

Gender: Male

Born: Unknown

Died: 370 B.R.

Known As: General Malganival, Lunus the Mighty, The Scourge of Barasavus

Key Events in Life:

  • 752 B.R. Led the armies and destroyed the Human Kingdom of Barasavus
  • 588 B.R. Fought Ashlander Vandus at the Battle of Bayn Hill
  • 575 B.R. Chose to remain behind when the Gate of Embers was closed
  • 471 B.R. Opposed Helian during the Great Schism

Malganival Lunus was perhaps the greatest military commander of Dragonkind. He led a militant faction of his people during the days of the Human Uprising and the Great Schism. He and his followers favored a much more heavy-handed approach to the lesser races. The more warrior-like of the Dragons viewed the ascension of the other races as a total threat to Dragon civilization. Dragon society would invariably be overrun by the lesser races if they were not to be kept in check. While Dragons by nature aren't necessarily evil, they are quite predatory. The warriors of Dragon society felt as though their scholars had lost touch with one of the core essences of being a Dragon, and the only way for Dragons to lead would be by force, rather than example.

It was this opposition to the philosophies put forward by his chief rival, Helian, that led to the eventual split in Dragon society and the self-imposed exile of many Dragons to the southern city of Chiconis. It was this action that avoided the approaching civil war among Dragons. Malganival maintained a deep respect for the principles to which Helian clung, and he once told his followers that Helian's decision to choose exile was the single greatest sacrifice a dragon had made in more than two millennia. He maintained this belief until his death centuries later.

Lunus was one of the greatest warriors in Dragon society over the last millennia. Not long after achieving ancienthood he participated in the battle and destruction of the human kingdom of Barasavus in 752 B.R. and then almost two centuries later led his forces against the humans again at the Battle of Bayn Hill in 588 B.R. His greatest battles lay in the coming century. Battles of words and of ideas, little could stop the coming Schism in Dragon society. A century after the Great Schism, and only two decades before the death of his greatest rival, Malganival Lunus died. [1]
