Kala the Pale is a named Wraith that can be found patrolling west of Delgarath, along a spike-lined ridge, accompanied by Risen Researchers, Twisted Automatons, and Defiled Shades.
- Insomnia
- Indomitable
- Exdispiritus
- Fearlessness
- Blighted Spellbind
- Snarl
- Blighted Mind Bolt
- Piercing Blight IX
- Infusion of Blight
Combat Tactics[]
Kala the Pale is immune to Slash and Blight damage. Fearlessness provides it immunity to stuns. Infusion of Blight will heal it for about 3500 health, but it has a long cooldown. Though it can hit fairly hard (~350 damage per hit on 1900 armor / 300 ethereal armor), the fight is not especially difficult.
Kala the Pale has a chance to drop the following:
Loot | |