Istaria Wiki

Inhibition Energy Residue is a named Wisp that can be found on the Island of Alged (18447,21351).


Known Cohorts[]

All kinds of T5 undeads, avoid them.

Combat Tactics[]

They are immune to all types of physcial and magical attack types. To hurt them, one needs to convert damage to a satyr virtue that opposes Inhibition Energy Residue, which is Revelry. Bipeds need a weapon to socket the Talisman of Revelry - this should work for casters too - while dragons equip the (head) Scale of Revelry or put the talisman in their weapon claw.

Pull Inhibition Energy Residue to a save spot on the island, avoid other monsters while fighting and pulling.


Inhibition Energy Residue has a chance to drop the following:
