Increases ward against spirit, blight and nature damage.
Use Characteristics[]
Name | Effect | Min Adv Level | Primal |
Ignore Mysticism I | +8 Spirit Ward, +8 Nature Ward, +8 Blight Ward | 5 | 50 |
Ignore Mysticism II | +38 Spirit Ward, +38 Nature Ward, +38 Blight Ward | 25 | 250 |
Ignore Mysticism III | +68 Spirit Ward, +68 Nature Ward, +68 Blight Ward | 45 | 450 |
Ignore Mysticism IV | +98 Spirit Ward, +98 Nature Ward, +98 Blight Ward | 65 | 650 |
Ignore Mysticism V | +128 Spirit Ward, +128 Nature Ward, +128 Blight Ward | 85 | 850 |
Creation Requirements[]
Used skill for crafting is Spellcraft, built with a Rune Stylus or Dragon Spellcraft (Ability) at a Scholar's Desk.
Name Resource Need Min Skill Opt Skill Lowest Formula³ Ignore Mysticism I 4
50 150 Beginner Ignore Mysticism Ignore Mysticism II 4
14-7250 375 Beginner Ignore Mysticism Ignore Mysticism III 4
14-7450 600 Journeyman Ignore Mysticism Ignore Mysticism IV 4
14-7650 825 Journeyman Ignore Mysticism Ignore Mysticism V 4
14-7850 1500 Expert Ignore Mysticism
- ³ Lowest Level Formula in which it is found.