Istaria Wiki

Increased the chance that incoming ice attacks will fail entirely.

Use Characteristics[]

Name Effect Min Adv Level Ice
Ice Ward I Effect: Ice Ward I 8 80
Ice Ward II Effect: Ice Ward II 28 280
Ice Ward III Effect: Ice Ward III 48 480
Ice Ward IV Effect: Ice Ward IV 68 680
Ice Ward V Effect: Ice Ward V 88 880

Creation Requirements[]

Name Resource Need Min Skill Opt Skill Lowest Formula³
Ice Ward I
  • 8 - 4
80 180 Beginner
Ice Ward II
  • 8 - 4
  • 14 - 7
280 405 Beginner
Ice Ward III
  • 8 - 4
  • 14 - 7
480 630 Journeyman
Ice Ward IV
  • 8 - 4
  • 14 - 7
680 855 Journeyman
Ice Ward V
  • 8 - 4
  • 14 - 7
880 1080 Expert
³ Lowest Level Formula in which it is found.

Usable Techniques[]
