Istaria Wiki

Find Gilran Goldenforge on Istaria Reference's in-browser map!

Quests Available[]

No quests for this NPC.

Items Carried[]

Hiring Permits[]

A Hiring Permit is required when building: Vault, Tavern, Pawnbroker or Consignment Store. They cost 137s 500c each.

Consignment Merchant Hiring Permit
Pawnbroker Hiring Permit
Tavernkeeper Hiring Permit
Vault Keeper Hiring Permit


Trinkets are consumable baubles with a vast variety of effects. Gilran Goldenforge sells Tier V with a cost of 25s and Tier VI for 37s 500c each.

Alyssa's Energized State
Alyssa's Touch
Brobbet's Hand of Justice
Daggarth's Blessing
Divine Protection
Fury of Daggarth
Heightened Senses
Holy Armament of Istara
Istara's Breath
Istara's Gait
Istara's Grace
Istara's Guiding Hand
Mystical Ward of Istara
Niatha's Blessing
Spectral Touch