While the Armor value of Dragons grows with each Adventure level it gains, as well as by consuming many hoard items. Dragons can also wear scales on top of their skin to gain more armor. While not a complete equivalent to Biped armor it does serve a simular function.
Basic Info[]
All scales provide a base amount of defensive Armor. This can be easily found by simply multiplying the tier of the scale by 5. In addition to this base armor, scales can come in 6 statistic-boosting "flavors:"
Scale Sets[]
These sets are craftable by a Dragon Crafter.
"Flavor" | Scales |
Armor | Armor Scales |
Dexterity | Dexterity Scales |
Focus | Focus Scales |
Health | Health Scales |
Power | Power Scales |
Strength | Strength Scales |
Various | Broken Scales |
Other Scales[]
These scales are obtained through quests or dropped by epic monsters.
Scale |
The Bard's Tail |
Ceremonial Chest Scale |
Helian Head Scale Of The Ancients |
Lunus Head Scale Of The Ancients |
Reklar's Tail Scale |
Scale of the Prime |
Tempered Chest Scale |
Scale Slots[]
A dragon has 10 different scale slots and 1 claw slot. After joining the Dragon Adventurer school on Skalkaar Isle the Chest Scale slot and the Claw slot immediately become available. While the remaining slots are opened at regular intervals of 10 levels as adventurer or crafter (whichever is higher).
- Having 5 levels in both Dragon Adventurer and Dragon Crafter does not qualify you for an additional slot.
- Having 10 levels in either schools qualifies you for a new slot, however if you gained your first Wing slot at level 10 adventurer you will not gain another slot until you reach level 20 in either Dragon Adventurer or Dragon Crafter (which ever comes first).

Equipment Slots
Slot Number | Scale Type | Level Obtained |
1 | Chest Scale | 1 |
2 | Wing Scale | 10 |
3 | Head Scale | 20 |
4 | Wing Scale | 30 |
5 | Foreleg Scale | 40 |
6 | Hindleg Scale | 50 |
7 | Foreleg Scale | 60 |
8 | Hindleg Scale | 70 |
9 | Back Scale | 80 |
10 | Tail Scale | 90 |
Equipping Info[]
When equipping scales, the player's currently active two schools are looked at. It does not matter if your Dragon Crafter school is higher then Dragon Adventurer, this makes it possible to gain acces to a full set of Tier 5 scales by reaching lvl 90 Dragon Crafter (You can wear Tier 5 from lvl 80, but don't get the Tail Slot untill you reach lvl 90). This might create problems when switching to a lower level school like Dragon Lairshaper. So it might be advisable to keep both active schools close together.
Crafting Info[]
Scales are crafted at Dragon Scale Forges or Anvils, with the use of the Dragon Scalecraft ability. Depending on the statistical "flavor" of the scale, it can require Bricks or Bars of the appropriate tier. Strength and Power scales require bricks, Dexterity and Focus require bars, and Armor and Health require half of each.
Unlike Spells, applying techniques to a scale while crafting it increases the skill required by the tier of the technique * 10. It has no effect of the equipping requirements of the scale.
Technique Info[]
All scales are allowed a standard set of offensive, defensive, crafting, and statistic-boosting Techniques, with a few exceptions:
- You can't apply a Statistic technique on a scale if the scale is that statistic "flavor" (no Statistic: Strength on Strength scales, no Statistic: Power on Power scales, etc).
- Only Wing Scales can have Statistic: Velocity or Statistic: Speed applied to them.
- Some scales can be socketed (as shown below).
Scale Type | Socket |
Back Scale | None |
Chest Scale | Armor Socketing |
Head Scale | Jewelry Socketing |
Hindleg Scale | None |
Foreleg Scale | Armor Socketing |
Tail Scale | None |
Wing Scale | None |
Combat Claw | Claw Socketing, Weapon Socketing |
Tool Claw | Claw Socketing, Tool Socketing |