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Dragon Quests are quests that can only be done by dragons.

Tiers Tier I Tier II Tier III Tier IV Tier V Tier VI
Levels 0 - 19 20 - 39 40 - 59 60 - 79 80 - 99 100 +

Dragon Adventurer Quests[]

Tier I Quests

Quest NameTypeMin LevelLocationNPC
Accurate Breath I: Improve Your Breath AccuracyAdventure10KionGerix
Attunement to DrakulAttunement1DralkUmbelroth
Attunement to Serenity - Collecting BonesAttunement1ChiconisKaliphar
Attunement to Serenity - Collecting Unblemished BonesAttunement1ChiconisKaliphar
Dragon Tutorial: Greet the Steward in New TrismusAdventure
1Skalkaar IsleInstructor Karkath
Dragon Tutorial: Kill 1 Skalkaar GruletAdventure
1Skalkaar IsleInstructor Karkath
Dragon Tutorial: Kill 3 Tiny Grass BeetlesAdventure
1Skalkaar IsleInstructor Karkath
Dragon Tutorial: Kill 5 Skalkaar Brown Spider HatchlingsAdventure
1Skalkaar IsleInstructor Karkath
Dragon Tutorial: Loot 1 Grulet TuskAdventure
1Skalkaar IsleInstructor Karkath
Dragon's Gift I: Prove Your WorthAdventure10KionGerix
Dragon's Reach I: Damage Your Enemies From AfarAdventure10KionGerix
Drain Bolt I: Primal Secrets, Fiendish PrideAdventure10KirasanctKhemarius
Drain Strike I: Gain The Power Of The Draining StrikeAdventure10KionGerix
Gold Rage I: Bolster Your Attack With Gold RageAdventure15KionGerix
Hardened Scales I: A Ferocious EnemyAdventure10KionGerix
Primal Instant Heal I: The Power of HealingAdventure10KionGerix
Primal Mastery I: An Extension Of Primal KnowledgeAdventure10KionGerix
Research: Verdean Core Chunk (Dragon)Errand15Kion VolcanoBarridin the Miner
Spiked Scales I: Gain The Knowledge Of Spiked ScalesAdventure10KionGerix
Tooth and Claw I: Sharpen your Claws and TeethAdventure10KionGerix

Tier II Quests

Quest NameTypeMin LevelLocationNPC
Accurate Breath II: Focusing Your Breath WeaponAdventure25DralkLuadius
Accurate Breath III: Practice, Practice, PracticeAdventure30DralkLuadius
Attunement to AedanAttunement20KionGerix
Become Adept with Teeth and ClawsAdventure20DralkPeriado the Veteran
Become a Primal AdeptAdventure20ChiconisGrizelian the Primalist
Becoming an Adult Dragon: Choose Your PathLore
Rite of Passage
30ChiconisKarane the Historian
Draak Attunement: The Lost ColonyAttunement
Dragon Healing Adept: The Rottenest Treant of Them AllAdventure20ChiconisLomak the Healer
Dragon's Reach II: Selecting the SaplingsAdventure20ChiconisBentaras
Dragon's Reach III: Uprooting the TreantsAdventure30ChiconisBentaras
Drain Strike II: Draining the Amethyst Golems of Their Life ForceAdventure25DralkSeverant
Drain Strike III: Challenging the Deep BlueAdventure30DralkSeverant
Gerix's Quest: Visit the Grand City of ChiconisAdventure20KionGerix
Gold Rage II: Wintheria's QuestAdventure20ChiconisWintheria
Gold Rage III: Wintheria's ChallengeAdventure30ChiconisWintheria
Hardened Scales II: The Nature of ResilienceAdventure20DralkZebeginia
Hardened Scales III: Fighting in the ForestAdventure30DralkZebeginia
Helian Path 1: Becoming an Adult DragonAdventure
Rite of Passage
30ChiconisSemeneth the Ancient
Helian Path 2: Acquire A Crystalline Vessel For Your PhylacteryAdventure
Rite of Passage
30DralkLantenal the Hermit
Helian Path 3: A Question of Balance: Theed's ChallengeAdventure
Rite of Passage
30ChiconisSemeneth the Ancient
Helian Path 4: Create an Imbued Gold ClaspAdventure
Rite of Passage
30Festival GroundsTheed
Helian Path 5: Create a Statue of Your Adult SelfAdventure
Rite of Passage
30ChiconisSemeneth the Ancient
Helian Path 6: Create a Phylactery of HeavensAdventure
Rite of Passage
30ChiconisSemeneth the Ancient
Helian Path 7: Complete Your Journey and Become a True HelianAdventure
Rite of Passage
30ChiconisSemeneth the Ancient
Helian Path Choice 1: Hoard the RingAdventure
Rite of Passage
30Festival GroundsTheed
Helian Path Choice 2: Buy the RingAdventure
Rite of Passage
30Festival GroundsTheed
Helian Path Choice 3: Return the RingAdventure
Rite of Passage
30Festival GroundsTheed
Investigate Karane the Historian's TaleLore
Rite of Passage
30ChiconisKarane the Historian
Lunus Path 1: Becoming an Adult DragonAdventure
Rite of Passage
30DralkValkoth the Ancient
Lunus Path 2: Acquire a Crystalline Vessel For Your Phylactery.Adventure
Rite of Passage
30DralkLantenal the Hermit
Lunus Path 3.1: Create A Hardened Silver ClawAdventure
Rite of Passage
30DralkValkoth the Ancient
Lunus Path 3.2: Defeat the EnslaversAdventure
Rite of Passage
30DralkValkoth the Ancient
Lunus Path 3.3: Defeat the Entombed and Infuse the ClawAdventure
Rite of Passage
30DraakEntombed Dragon
Lunus Path 3.4: Acquire an Imbued Silver ClawAdventure
Rite of Passage
30DralkLantenal the Hermit
Lunus Path 4: Create a Statue of Your Adult SelfAdventure
Rite of Passage
30DralkValkoth the Ancient
Lunus Path 5: Create a Phylactery of ShadowsAdventure
Rite of Passage
30DralkValkoth the Ancient
Lunus Path 6: Complete Your Journey and Become a True LunusAdventure
Rite of Passage
30DralkValkoth the Ancient
Primal Instant Heal II: Beetles Mania ContinuesAdventure25ChiconisFrall the Healer
Primal Instant Heal III: Beetles with a Side of IceAdventure30ChiconisFrall the Healer
Primal Mastery II: Bailout LisandiaAdventure20ChiconisLisandia
Primal Mastery III: Fulfill Lisandia's ContractAdventure30ChiconisLisandia
Spiked Scales II: Skulks in the ForestAdventure20DralkRykhar
Spiked Scales III: Comparing Ogres and PygmiesAdventure30DralkRykhar
Tooth and Claw II: Smooth As SilverAdventure20DralkXerix
Tooth and Claw III: Dull as IronAdventure30DralkXerix

Tier III Quests

Quest NameTypeMin LevelLocationNPC
Accurate Breath IV: Precision PracticeAdventure40DralkLuadius
Accurate Breath V: Using New Breath WeaponsAdventure50DralkLuadius
Breath of Ice: Alter Your Breath Weapon TypeAdventure40Chiconis
Valkoth the Ancient
Semeneth the Ancient
Dragon's Gift II: A Test in the SnowAdventure40ChiconisKaliphar
Dragon's Gift III: Bane of the Nix BeetlesAdventure50ChiconisKaliphar
Dragon's Reach IV: Small Treants, Big ChallengeAdventure40ChiconisBentaras
Dragon's Reach V: Oak Without the Ash and ThornAdventure50ChiconisBentaras
Drain Strike IV: Hard as Granite, Solid as StoneAdventure40DralkSeverant
Drain Strike V: Battle in the DesertAdventure50DralkSeverant
Gold Rage IV: Nix Beetle ChallengeAdventure40ChiconisWintheria
Gold Rage V: Make Gold Dust of Gold GolemsAdventure50ChiconisWintheria
Hardened Scales IV: The Sprawling DesertAdventure40DralkZebeginia
Hardened Scales V: Combat on Tough TerrainAdventure50DralkZebeginia
Primal Instant Heal IV: Into the Frozen TundraAdventure40ChiconisFrall the Healer
Primal Instant Heal V: Another Round! Of Ice That Is...Adventure50ChiconisFrall the Healer
Primal Mastery IV: A Profitable Deal All AroundAdventure40ChiconisLisandia
Primal Mastery V: Hack Down the Oak Treant PopulationAdventure50ChiconisLisandia
Spiked Scales IV: The Smaller Chunks of IceAdventure40DralkRykhar
Spiked Scales V: An Easy ChallengeAdventure50DralkRykhar
Tooth and Claw IV: Getting Your Nickel Worth of GolemsAdventure40DralkXerix
Tooth and Claw V: What Glitters In This Case Is GoldAdventure50DralkXerix

Tier IV Quests

Quest NameTypeMin LevelLocationNPC
Accurate Breath VI: Fighting ShadowsAdventure60DralkLuadius
Accurate Breath VII: On the BattlefieldAdventure75DralkLuadius
Become a Primal ExpertAdventure60ChiconisGrizelian the Primalist
Become an Expert with Teeth and ClawsAdventure60DralkPeriado the Veteran
Breath of Fire: Refining A Useful WeaponAdventure60Spiritous SwampKelakhan
Dragon's Gift IV: Kill Isotope, the Cobalt GolemAdventure70ChiconisKaliphar
Dragon's Reach VI: Sticky SaplingsAdventure60ChiconisBentaras
Dragon's Reach VII: "Maple" A Few TreantsAdventure70ChiconisBentaras
Drain Strike VI: A Break from Golem HuntingAdventure60DralkSeverant
Drain Strike VII: Your "Jaded" TrainerAdventure70DralkSeverant
Gold Rage VI: Extinguishing the FlameAdventure60ChiconisWintheria
Gold Rage VII: A Fantastical Creature With A Strange NameAdventure70ChiconisWintheria
Hardened Scales VI: The World of the ArbotusAdventure60DralkZebeginia
Hardened Scales VII: Aiding LairshapersAdventure70DralkZebeginia
Primal Instant Heal VI: A Hotter Enemy For OnceAdventure60ChiconisFrall the Healer
Primal Instant Heal VII: Sand In the Claws!Adventure70ChiconisFrall the Healer
Primal Mastery VI: Incinerate Pustules from DralkAdventure60ChiconisLisandia
Primal Mastery VII: Lay Tashka Lusa to RestAdventure70ChiconisLisandia
Spiked Scales VI: A New EnemyAdventure60DralkRykhar
Spiked Scales VII: A Second Pack of WerewolvesAdventure70DralkRykhar
Tooth and Claw VI: Black as NightAdventure60DralkXerix
Tooth and Claw VII: Glitters Like A RainbowAdventure70DralkXerix

Tier V Quests

Quest NameTypeMin LevelLocationNPC
Accurate Breath IX: Mystery IslandAdventure95DralkLuadius
Accurate Breath VIII: Target Practice in the SwampAdventure85DralkLuadius
Aratanosh's FateAdventure
80ChiconisKarane the Historian
Balennos' RecollectionsAdventure
80ChiconisKarane the Historian
Dragon's Gift V: Kaliphar's ReagantsAdventure90ChiconisKaliphar
Dragon's Reach IX: Yew Knew it was ComingAdventure90ChiconisBentaras
Dragon's Reach VIII: The Last of the Little OnesAdventure80ChiconisBentaras
Drain Strike IX: Danger on DrakulAdventure90DralkSeverant
Drain Strike VIII: Another Strange OasticAdventure80DralkSeverant
Hardened Scales IX: A Face Only A Mother Bloodsnout Could LoveAdventure90DralkZebeginia
Hardened Scales VIII: Into the WoodsAdventure80DralkZebeginia
Kallinoth's JournalAdventure
80DralkValkoth the Ancient
Primal Instant Heal IX: On to the Island of FireAdventure90ChiconisFrall the Healer
Primal Instant Heal VIII: Return to the ColdAdventure80ChiconisFrall the Healer
Primal Mastery IX: Trophies of the IslesAdventure90ChiconisLisandia
Primal Mastery VIII: Prove Your Primal PowerAdventure80ChiconisLisandia
Spiked Scales IX: A Different Sort of SkulkAdventure90DralkRykhar
Spiked Scales VIII: It's Back to OgresAdventure80DralkRykhar
The ArchivesAdventure
80DralkValkoth the Ancient
The Council's ConcernsAdventure
80DralkRistef the Peacemaker
The Guardian and the CrystalshaperAdventure80Fiery RiftAratanosh
The Stone of SeekingAdventure
80ChiconisSemeneth the Ancient
Tooth and Claw IX: Fire in the HeartAdventure90DralkXerix
Tooth and Claw VIII: Moving StatuesAdventure80DralkXerix

Tier VI Quests

Quest NameTypeMin LevelLocationNPC
Accurate Breath X: One Final TaskAdventure100DralkLuadius
Become a Master with Teeth and ClawsAdventure100DralkPeriado the Veteran
Become a Primal MasterAdventure100ChiconisGrizelian the Primalist
Dragon's Reach X: The Bigger They AreAdventure100ChiconisBentaras
Drain Strike X: Trial of the EldersAdventure100DralkSeverant
Hardened Scales X: The Final TestAdventure100DralkZebeginia
Primal Instant Heal X: To the Doom!Adventure100ChiconisFrall the Healer
Primal Mastery X: Understanding the WindAdventure100ChiconisLisandia
Spiked Scales X: The Final ChallengeAdventure100DralkRykhar
Tooth and Claw X: Your Final Golem ChallengeAdventure100DralkXerix

Dragon Crafter Quests[]

Tier I Quests

Quest NameTypeMin LevelLocationNPC
Dimensional Pocket I: Spell ShardsCrafting
Dragon Tutorial: Collect 35 Uncut GarnetCrafting
1Skalkaar IsleArtisan Jemenoth
Dragon Tutorial: Collect 50 Copper and Tin OreCrafting
1Skalkaar IsleArtisan Jemenoth
Dragon Tutorial: Collect 50 Sandstone SlabsCrafting
1Skalkaar IsleArtisan Jemenoth
Dragon Tutorial: Craft 10 Bronze BarsCrafting
1Skalkaar IsleArtisan Jemenoth
Dragon Tutorial: Craft 10 Sandstone BricksCrafting
1Skalkaar IsleArtisan Jemenoth
Dragon Tutorial: Craft 6 Cut GarnetCrafting
1Skalkaar IsleArtisan Jemenoth
Dragon Tutorial: Craft Skalkaar Dragon ClawCrafting
1Skalkaar IsleArtisan Jemenoth
Dragon Tutorial: Craft Skalkaar Dragon ScaleCrafting
1Skalkaar IsleArtisan Jemenoth
Essence Harvesting Mastery I: Dim EssenceCrafting10KionXarinnis
Essence Shaping Mastery I: Dim Essence OrbsCrafting10KionXarinnis
Gemcraft Mastery I: MalachiteCrafting10KionXarinnis
Mining Mastery I: Copper and Tin OreCrafting10KionXarinnis
Quarrying Mastery I: SandstoneCrafting10KionXarinnis
Scalecraft Mastery I: Bronze BarsCrafting10KionXarinnis
Smelting Mastery I: Craft 70 Bronze BarsCrafting10KionXarinnis
Spellcraft Mastery I: Sandstone BricksCrafting10KionXarinnis
Stoneworking Mastery I: Craft 70 Sandstone BricksCrafting10KionXarinnis

Tier II Quests

Quest NameTypeMin LevelLocationNPC
Dimensional Pocket II: Dragon Scale DeliveryCrafting
Dimensional Pocket III: Deliver 200 Iron Bars to Gangaf TaglayCrafting30TazoonJynasix
Essence Harvesting Mastery II: Collect 100 Tainted Dim EssenceCrafting20DralkCaspuras
Essence Harvesting Mastery III: Collect 100 Pale EssenceCrafting30DralkCaspuras
Essence Shaping Mastery II: Craft 50 Tainted Dim Essence OrbsCrafting20ChiconisZepartus
Essence Shaping Mastery III: Craft 50 Pale Essence OrbsCrafting30ChiconisZepartus
Gemcraft Mastery II: Craft 140 GarnetCrafting20DralkHeraxius
Gemcraft Mastery III: Craft 70 AmethystCrafting30DralkHeraxius
Knowledge of Lairs: Become a LairshaperCrafting20Chiconis
Mining Mastery II: Bronze BarsCrafting20DralkEvenitas the Miner
Mining Mastery III: Collect 100 Iron OreCrafting30DralkEvenitas the Miner
Quarrying Mastery II: Craft 75 Sandstone BricksCrafting20ChiconisKreig
Quarrying Mastery III: Collect 100 Slate SlabsCrafting30ChiconisKreig
Scalecraft Mastery II: Craft 10 Sandstone Strength Chest ScalesCrafting20DralkMiemonus
Scalecraft Mastery III: Craft 70 Iron BarsCrafting30DralkMiemonus
Smelting Mastery II: Craft 140 Bronze BarsCrafting20ChiconisAlthanas the Great
Smelting Mastery III: Craft 70 Iron BarsCrafting30ChiconisAlthanas the Great
Spellcraft Mastery II: Craft 35 Sandstone Spell ShardsCrafting20ChiconisJuquenas the Spellcrafter
Spellcraft Mastery III: Craft 70 Slate BricksCrafting30ChiconisJuquenas the Spellcrafter
Stoneworking Mastery II: Craft 140 Sandstone BricksCrafting20DralkSaphias
Stoneworking Mastery III: Craft 70 Slate BricksCrafting30DralkSaphias

Tier III Quests

Quest NameTypeMin LevelLocationNPC
Dimensional Pocket IV: Deliver Spells for JynasixCrafting
Dimensional Pocket V: Deliver gears to LantenalCrafting
Essence Harvesting Mastery IV: Collect 100 Tainted Pale EssenceCrafting40DralkCaspuras
Essence Harvesting Mastery V: Collect 100 Glowing EssenceCrafting50DralkCaspuras
Essence Shaping Mastery IV: Craft 50 Tainted Pale Essence OrbsCrafting40ChiconisZepartus
Essence Shaping Mastery V: Craft 50 Glowing Essence OrbsCrafting50ChiconisZepartus
Gemcraft Mastery IV: Craft 140 Rose QuartzCrafting40DralkHeraxius
Gemcraft Mastery V: Craft 70 JasperCrafting50DralkHeraxius
Mining Mastery IV: Craft 75 Silver BarsCrafting40DralkEvenitas the Miner
Mining Mastery V: Collect 100 Dark Iron OreCrafting50DralkEvenitas the Miner
Quarrying Mastery IV: Craft 75 Slate BricksCrafting40ChiconisKreig
Quarrying Mastery V: Collect 100 Granite SlabsCrafting50ChiconisKreig
Scalecraft Mastery IV: Craft 10 Slate Strength Chest ScalesCrafting40DralkMiemonus
Scalecraft Mastery V: Craft 70 Steel BarsCrafting50DralkMiemonus
Smelting Mastery IV: Craft 140 Iron BarsCrafting40ChiconisAlthanas the Great
Smelting Mastery V: Craft 70 Steel BarsCrafting50ChiconisAlthanas the Great
Spellcraft Mastery IV: Craft 35 Slate Spell ShardsCrafting40ChiconisJuquenas the Spellcrafter
Spellcraft Mastery V: Craft 70 Granite BricksCrafting50ChiconisJuquenas the Spellcrafter
Stoneworking Mastery IV: Craft 140 Slate BricksCrafting40DralkSaphias
Stoneworking Mastery V: Craft 70 Granite BricksCrafting50DralkSaphias

Tier IV Quests

Quest NameTypeMin LevelLocationNPC
Dimensional Pocket VI: Deliver Supplies to KessetCrafting
Dimensional Pocket VII: Aid Versanto With His ExperimentCrafting
Essence Harvesting Mastery VI: Collect 100 Tainted Glowing EssenceCrafting60DralkCaspuras
Essence Harvesting Mastery VII: Collect 100 Bright EssenceCrafting70DralkCaspuras
Essence Shaping Mastery VI: Craft 50 Tainted Glowing Essence OrbsCrafting60ChiconisZepartus
Essence Shaping Mastery VII: Craft 50 Bright Essence OrbsCrafting70ChiconisZepartus
Gemcraft Mastery VI: Craft 140 AquamarineCrafting60DralkHeraxius
Gemcraft Mastery VII: Craft 70 JadeCrafting70DralkHeraxius
Mining Mastery VI: Craft 75 Steel BarsCrafting60DralkEvenitas the Miner
Mining Mastery VII: Collect 100 Cobalt OreCrafting70DralkEvenitas the Miner
Quarrying Mastery VI: Craft 75 Granite BricksCrafting60ChiconisKreig
Quarrying Mastery VII: Collect 100 Obsidian SlabsCrafting70ChiconisKreig
Scalecraft Mastery VI: Craft 10 Granite Strength Chest ScalesCrafting60DralkMiemonus
Scalecraft Mastery VII: Craft 70 Cobalt BarsCrafting70DralkMiemonus
Smelting Mastery VI: Craft 140 Steel BarsCrafting60ChiconisAlthanas the Great
Smelting Mastery VII: Craft 70 Cobalt BarsCrafting70ChiconisAlthanas the Great
Spellcraft Mastery VI: Granite Spell ShardsCrafting60ChiconisJuquenas the Spellcrafter
Spellcraft Mastery VII: Craft 70 Obsidian BricksCrafting70ChiconisJuquenas the Spellcrafter
Stoneworking Mastery VI: Craft 140 Granite BricksCrafting60DralkSaphias
Stoneworking Mastery VII: Craft 70 Obsidian BricksCrafting70DralkSaphias

Tier V Quests

Quest NameTypeMin LevelLocationNPC
Dimensional Pocket IX: Deliver Supplies to the GuardsCrafting
Dimensional Pocket VIII: Mithril BullionCrafting
Essence Harvesting Mastery IX: Collect 100 Shining EssenceCrafting90DralkCaspuras
Essence Harvesting Mastery VIII: Collect 100 Tainted Bright EssenceCrafting80DralkCaspuras
Essence Shaping Mastery IX: Craft 50 Shining Essence OrbsCrafting90ChiconisZepartus
Essence Shaping Mastery VIII: Craft 50 Tainted Bright Essence OrbsCrafting80ChiconisZepartus
Gemcraft Mastery IX: Craft 70 EmeraldCrafting90DralkHeraxius
Gemcraft Mastery VIII: Craft 140 OpalCrafting80DralkHeraxius
Mining Mastery IX: Collect 100 Mithril OreCrafting90DralkEvenitas the Miner
Mining Mastery VIII: Craft 75 Cobalt BarsCrafting80DralkEvenitas the Miner
Quarrying Mastery IX: Collect 100 Marble SlabsCrafting90ChiconisKreig
Quarrying Mastery VIII: Craft 75 Obsidian BricksCrafting80ChiconisKreig
Scalecraft Mastery IX: Craft 70 Mithril BarsCrafting90DralkMiemonus
Scalecraft Mastery VIII: Craft 10 Obsidian Strength Chest ScalesCrafting80DralkMiemonus
Smelting Mastery IX: Craft 70 Mithril BarsCrafting90ChiconisAlthanas the Great
Smelting Mastery VIII: Craft 140 Cobalt BarsCrafting80ChiconisAlthanas the Great
Spellcraft Mastery IX: Craft 70 Marble BricksCrafting90ChiconisJuquenas the Spellcrafter
Spellcraft Mastery VIII: Craft 35 Obsidian Spell ShardsCrafting80ChiconisJuquenas the Spellcrafter
Stoneworking Mastery IX: Craft 70 Marble BricksCrafting90DralkSaphias
Stoneworking Mastery VIII: Craft 140 Obsidian BricksCrafting80DralkSaphias

Tier VI Quests

Quest NameTypeMin LevelLocationNPC
Dimensional Pocket X: Return with News from the Towers of MagicCrafting
Essence Harvesting Mastery X: Collect 100 Tainted Shining EssenceCrafting100DralkCaspuras
Essence Shaping Mastery X: Craft 50 Tainted Shining Essence OrbsCrafting100ChiconisZepartus
Gemcraft Mastery X: Craft 140 Fire OpalCrafting100DralkHeraxius
Mining Mastery X: Craft 75 Mithril BarsCrafting100DralkEvenitas the Miner
Quarrying Mastery X: Craft 75 Marble BricksCrafting100ChiconisKreig
Scalecraft Mastery X: Craft 10 Marble Strength Chest ScalesCrafting100DralkMiemonus
Smelting Mastery X: Craft 140 Mithril BarsCrafting100ChiconisAlthanas the Great
Spellcraft Mastery X: Craft 35 Marble Spell ShardsCrafting100ChiconisJuquenas the Spellcrafter
Stoneworking Mastery X: Craft 140 Marble BricksCrafting100DralkSaphias

Dragon Lairshaper Quests

Quest NameTypeMin LevelLocationNPC
Azulyte Crystal TransmutationCrafting20Relstaroth's LairBalennos the Crystalshaper
Crystalshaping Mastery ICrafting10Relstaroth's LairBalennos the Crystalshaper
Crystalshaping Mastery IICrafting30Relstaroth's LairBalennos the Crystalshaper
Crystalshaping Mastery IIICrafting40Relstaroth's LairBalennos the Crystalshaper
Crystalshaping Mastery IVCrafting60Relstaroth's LairBalennos the Crystalshaper
Crystalshaping Mastery VCrafting80Relstaroth's LairBalennos the Crystalshaper
Draak Attunement: The Lost ColonyAttunement
Knowledge of Lairs: Making Lairshaping PiecesCrafting1DralkBalennos the Crystalshaper
Lairshaping Mastery (Part 1)Crafting5Relstaroth's LairRelstaroth
Lairshaping Mastery (Part 2)Crafting20Relstaroth's LairRelstaroth
Lairshaping Mastery (Part 3)Crafting40Relstaroth's LairRelstaroth
Lairshaping Mastery (Part 4)Crafting60Relstaroth's LairRelstaroth
Lairshaping Mastery (Part 5)Crafting80Relstaroth's LairRelstaroth
Lairshaping Mastery (Part 6)Crafting100Relstaroth's LairRelstaroth
Learning to Shape LairsCrafting10Relstaroth's LairRelstaroth

Dragon Crystalshaper Quests

Quest NameTypeMin LevelLocationNPC
Crystalshaping Mastery ICrafting10Relstaroth's LairBalennos the Crystalshaper
Crystalshaping Mastery IICrafting30Relstaroth's LairBalennos the Crystalshaper
Crystalshaping Mastery IIICrafting40Relstaroth's LairBalennos the Crystalshaper
Crystalshaping Mastery IVCrafting60Relstaroth's LairBalennos the Crystalshaper
Crystalshaping Mastery VCrafting80Relstaroth's LairBalennos the Crystalshaper
The Guardian and the CrystalshaperAdventure80Fiery RiftAratanosh