Istaria Wiki

Confectioners are a specialized craft school associated with the Gatherer school, though Outfitters and Scholars both gain skills early on that allow for access to the school. Confectioners craft tasty morsels and fine brews that may be consumed and enjoyed. The goods of a Confectioner are said to even soothe ailments both physical and spiritual.

Confectioner Information[]

Join Requirements[]

To join the Confectioner school you must have a Foraging skill of 100.

☀ Confectioner food (from the 2009 revamp) will begin with Appetizer, Main, Side and Dessert. These are the only foods confectioners make experience from making.

Confectioner Trainers[]

Julie BalishDalimond22,76022,809

Level Progression[]

Skill Per Level
Armor Use 7
Brewing 10
Cooking 10
Earthencraft 10
Foraging 9
Fishing 9
Ingenuity 10
Preparing 8
Stat Per Level
Health 5
Strength 3
Power 6
Focus 3
Dexterity 8
Ability (* = Masterable) Level Earned
Earthencraft I* 1
Fishing I* 1
Foraging I* 1
Ingenuity I* 1
Earthencraft II* 20
Fishing II* 20
Foraging II* 20
Ingenuity II* 20
Gift Slots: Two* 25
Earthencraft III* 40
Fishing III* 40
Foraging III* 40
Ingenuity III* 40
Gift Slots: Three* 50
Earthencraft IV* 60
Fishing IV* 60
Foraging IV* 60
Ingenuity IV* 60
Gift Slots: Four* 75
Earthencraft V* 80
Fishing V* 80
Foraging V* 80
Ingenuity V* 80
Earthencraft VI* 100
Fishing VI* 100
Foraging VI* 100
Gift Slots: Five* 100
Ingenuity VI* 100

Confectioner Tasks/Training Quests[]

Ahala's Sweet Tooth II
Anthas Root Tea (Confectioner)
Rare Foods: A Fist Full of Licorice
Rare Foods: A Spicy Snack for the Famished Miner
Rare Foods: A Touch of Ginger
Rare Foods: Basil the Rat
Rare Foods: Burnt Rice and Bitterroot
Rare Foods: Campsite Stew
Rare Foods: Dinner? Impossible!
Rare Foods: Everybody Must Get Stoneroot
Rare Foods: Fennel Tales
Rare Foods: Food For the Road
Rare Foods: Hatchling Cakes, Rosemary and Gruok
Rare Foods: Leaf Me Alone
Rare Foods: Minty Goodness
Rare Foods: Music of the Nightshade
Rare Foods: Sage Advice
Rare Foods: Snap Dragon
Rare Foods: Sprinkle Sprinkle Little Star
Rare Foods: The Brains of the Outfit
Rare Foods: The Ginseng Files
Rare Foods: To Serve Mandrake
The Iron Confectioner

Quests requiring or using Confectioner skills[]

Confectioner Formulas[]

Resource Formulae[]

Confectioners can use:

Food Formulas[]

Confectioners can use: