Istaria Wiki
Metal Reaping Potion

Metal Reaping V Potion

Potions are crafted by Alchemists using the Alchemy skill with a Mortar and Pestle and a Cauldron. To craft potions it needs resources like: glass vials, tools and suspensions. Potions are useable items and add buffs to the character, like a bonus to strength, resistances, mining skill or adding heal over time to regain players health.

Usable By[]

Potions can be used by all schools and races as long they fulfill the level requirement.


Required skill is Alchemy

Formula Name Beginner Journeyman Expert Master
Formula: Ahala's Sweet Brew 800
Formula: Anti-Lycanthropy Salve 600
Formula: Antidote 150 550 950
Formula: Blight Protection Potion 90 490 890
Formula: Bolster Armor Potion 150 550 950
Formula: Bolster Dexterity Potion 1 400 800
Formula: Bolster Focus Potion 50 450 850
Formula: Bolster Health Potion 150 550 950
Formula: Bolster Power Potion 50 450 850
Formula: Bolster Strength Potion 1 400 800
Formula: Essence Reaping Potion 180 580 980
Formula: Elixir of the Myloc's Focus Formula 1150
Formula: Elixir of the Myloc's Strength Formula 1150
Formula: Ginesh's Thickened Skin Potion 100 500 900
Formula: Latro's Evasive Aura Potion 100 500 900
Formula: Lycanthropy Ward Salve 650
Formula: Metal Reaping Potion 30 430 830
Formula: Organic Reaping Potion 140 540 940
Formula: Quint's Quickstep Potion 190 590 990
Formula: Special Potion of Memories 800
Formula: Stone Reaping Potion 110 510 910
Formula: Vestia's Soothing Remedy Potion 120 520 920
Formula: Wood Reaping Potion 70 470 870

All items (1)
