Formulas are the templates used to be able to craft items throughout Istaria. In order to create a particular item you first need to 'scribe' the formula (Right-Click and choose 'Scribe (Formula Name)'. Once a formula has been scribedn it is view-able in the Formula tab in the Knowledge window.
Every formula requires a number of resources or sub components to create the item. For example, a Sandstone Focus Chest Scale may require up to 6 Sandstone Bricks to create.
Formula Tiers | |
Type | Min Level |
Beginner | 1 |
Journeyman | 400 |
Expert | 800 |
Master | 1000 |
A single formula may allow creation of multiple different items. For example, the Beginner Focus Chest Scale formula allows creation of both Sandstone Focus Chest Scales and Slate Focus Chest Scales. Every formula has a minimum Skill requirement to scribe. If a character’s current skill is too low they will be unable to scribe the formula. A character can use various methods of increasing its skill.
- Boon spells.
- Equipment with Techniques providing a bonus to the relevant Skill
- Tool(claw) with socketing Techniques providing the possibility of using a crystal.
- Utilize a player build craft shop (Beginner, Journeyman or Expert for Plots or T1-6 chambers for Lairs) to boost the current skill level.
Every product has a minimum and an optimum skill to create. When creating an item, the closer a character's skill is to the optimum skill, the more efficient they are - it will require fewer resources to make. For example, to create Sandstone Bricks at the minimum skill requires 5 Sandstone Slabs for each brick. Creating Sandstone Bricks at the optimum skill (or higher) only requires 2 Sandstone Slabs per brick. There are separate formulas for Dragons and Bipeds (i.e. non-Dragons).
Obtaining Formulas[]
Formulas can be obtained by:
- Looting them from mobs.
- Mobs that drop formulas are Chests, Semi-Intelligents (pygmies, ogres, skulks, undead, etc.) Techniques and Formulas do not drop from non-intelligent monsters, such as animals, insects and elementals. Only named mobs or mobs in the upper half of each tier will drop formulas, with named mobs having higher chances of dropping a technique. The upper half levels of each tier are as follows:
- T1: 11-19
- T2: 30-39
- T3: 50-59
- T4: 70-79
- T5: 90-99
- Mobs that drop formulas are Chests, Semi-Intelligents (pygmies, ogres, skulks, undead, etc.) Techniques and Formulas do not drop from non-intelligent monsters, such as animals, insects and elementals. Only named mobs or mobs in the upper half of each tier will drop formulas, with named mobs having higher chances of dropping a technique. The upper half levels of each tier are as follows:
- Purchased from other players via trade or a consigner.
- Awarded by accepting or completing certain quests.
- Mystery Formula Boxes purchased from Formulatrons, which contain any lootable formula.
- Purchased from trainers (Beginner, Journeyman and Expert). Note that formulas sold by trainers are not dropped as loot, and vice versa.
- If you would like to find trainers that sell formulas, try checking their respective pages.
Resource Formulas[]
The Six Basic Materials[]
These are formulas used to make items used in buildings and other structures.
- Essence Construction Formulas
- Fabric Construction Formulas
- Metal Construction Formulas
- Stone Construction Formulas
- Wood Construction Formulas
Intermediate Materials[]
These formulas take refined materials or raw materials and process them into items used in other formulas. They do not create finished products.
- Alchemy Preparation Formulas
- Clothworking Preparation Formulas
- Confectioner Preparation Formulas
- Earthencraft Formulas
- Enchanting Formulas
- Essence Shaping Preparation Formulas
- Spellcraft Preparation Formulas
- Tanning Preparation Formulas
- Tinkerer Preparation Formulas
- Transmutation Formulas
Biped Formulas[]
The following formulas are available to all Biped races (i.e. non-Dragon). Please note that not every formula listed is Biped-only; rather, these formulas listed are simply of most use to Bipeds. Dragons can craft every spell listed. Also, most resource formulas are available to both Dragons and Bipeds, and simply listed here for convenience.
- Armor Formulas
- Cargo Armor
- Cloth Armor
- Hide/Leather Armor
- Metal Armor
- Chain Armor
- Plate Armor
- Shields
- Fashion Items
- Container Formulas
- Container Formulas
- Biped Cargo Disk Formulas
- Dye Kit Formulas
- Dye Kit Formulas
- Food Formulas
- Gadget Formulas
- Jewelry Formulas
- Potion Formulas
- Resource Formulas
- Spell Formulas
- Tool Formulas
- Weapon Formulas
- Quest Formulas
All items (149)
- Dyes
- Formula: Algedian Silver Bar
- Formula: Algedian Slate Rune
- Formula: Corvian Silver Bar
- Formula: Corvian Slate Rune
- Formula: Dahibian Silver Bar
- Formula: Dahibian Slate Rune
- Formula: Elnathian Silver Bar
- Formula: Elnathian Slate Rune
- Scalemail Armor
- Scrolls
- Shields