There are a wide variety of creatures that inhabit Istaria, most of them dangerous and hostile! Creatures, also known as mobs or enemies, are animals, beings, and more that can be attacked by the player.
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All items (633)
- Adamantium Chest
- Akron
- Amethyst Golem
- Ancient Manifestation
- Annarvis the Foul
- Arboreon
- Arbotus
- Arek Wikhalad
- Asryeon
- Attor
- Avatar of Pain
- Azalac
- Balengah
- Bay
- Befouled Defender
- Bessie
- Bitterbranch
- Blight Hound
- Blightbite
- Blizzard
- Blood Maggot
- Blood Skulk Bloodmage
- Blood Skulk Soothsayer
- Brachina Beetle
- Brecah
- Bronze Golem
- Brown Spider
- Brown Spider Hatchling
- Carcinus
- Carrion Crawler
- Cave Crawler Breeder
- Cave Crawler Hatchling
- Cave Crawler Soldier
- Cedar Treant
- Cedar Treant Sapling
- Champagne Elemental
- Chatter
- Chicken
- Chieftain Bulok
- Chompa
- Cinderfist
- Colossal Scorpion
- Corrupted Iron Guard
- Corrupted Iron Guard Sergeant
- Corrupted Shade
- Corrupted Voidsinger
- Cow
- Crystallized Golem
- Dark Crawler Breeder
- Dark Crawler Gatherer
- Dark Crawler Hatchling
- Dark Crawler Soldier
- Dark Stalker
- Decayed Grulet
- Deer
- Defiled Shade
- Devourer
- Dimebach
- Dire Wolf Alpha
- Dorgath the Chieftain
- Dramentus
- Dregorn the Greater
- Dung Pile
- Eclipse
- El Caliente
- Elial the Mercenary
- Elite Bone Vindicator
- Empytur
- Enraged Aegror
- Enraged Cedar Treant
- Enraged Revenant
- Enraged Specter
- Enslaver of Mind
- Enslaver of Spirit
- Enslaver of Will
- Esh the Mind Lasher
- Eyetooth