Cargo apparel, a brilliant merging of ingenuity and necessity, incorporates a multitude of pockets and storage compartments extending the wearers overall carrying capacity. It is a must-have for any serious crafters, as well as providing some basic armor defense.

Male Gnome in Cargo armor
Level Requirements[]
The level requirements for each Cargo Armor item are different and are shown on the formula pages.
Required Skill is Tinkering.
Formula Name | Beginner | Journeyman | Expert |
Formula: Cargo Belt | 60 | 460 | 860 |
Formula: Cargo Boots | 120 | 520 | 920 |
Formula: Cargo Cap | 100 | 500 | 900 |
Formula: Cargo Leggings | 160 | 560 | 960 |
Formula: Cargo Sleeves | 140 | 540 | 940 |
Formula: Cargo Tunic | 180 | 580 | 980 |
Formula: Cargo Wristband | 80 | 480 | 880 |
Formula: Invisible Cargo Cap | 100 | 500 | 900 |
Usable By[]
Cargo Armor can be used by: Outfitter, Blacksmith, Confectioner, Scholar, Enchanter, Jeweler, Alchemist, Miner, Tinkerer, Spellcrafter, Gatherer, Armorer, Carpenter, Fitter, Fletcher, Mason, Tailor, Weaponsmith, Weaver