What are the limitations of free to play? I understand that there is a level limitation, but what is the level limit and what is the pay to play level max? Also, I can't create more than one character. Is this a free to play limit? If so, what is the pay to play character limit. Are there any other limits that I don't know yet?
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I'm new and don't know how da HELL I use/get the mining ability, it's really confusing and annoying, especially since I have a task to finish (sandstone one) -_-
(Edited by A Fandom user)
Do you have to pay a subscription to play as the dragon race
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Ok so like Im playing on my dragon and I get to the mining tutorial, and it says I gained the ablilty, but it won't let me use it!? -_- I attempted to put it on the hotkey thing, then I press 'Gather resorses' And It doesn't work?!?! What!?!?
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how do you get a bronze chest plate
(Edited by A Fandom user)