Hello there! I'll lay out the limits of each account type, in a list to make it easy:
Free Account
- One character per account
- All schools cap at level 15
- If you pay for a sub, level to max, and then switch to free, you keep your levels but you aren't able to complete quests or (if I remember correctly) gain loot from epic creatures.
- No property or guild ownership
- 10 slots on the consigner (player marketplace)
(Note that you can get multiple of the following, and their benefits stack!)
Basic Access ($10/mo)
- 5 characters per subscription
- All schools cap at level 100 (the current max level)
- No property ownership
- 50 slots on the consigner
Property Holder Access ($15/mo)
- 7 characters per subscription
- All schools cap at level 100 (the current max level)
- 1 property (lair or plot)
- 150 slots on the consigner
Free accounts are not able to use the account upgrades listed here: http://community.istaria.com/pg.php/subscriptions
Hope this helps! Feel free to ask any other questions if you need.